Mastering Workflow Performance
Everything you need to know about getting started with workflow performance
Watch Promo"To me, it has essentially freed up time and provided security in managing more tasks with higher complexity."
Michael Selchau Sanggaard
Dong Energy
"I feel that I am more effecient with a clear perception of which tasks to prioritise, and that the overview of all my projects has improved significantly. I can warmly recommend that you consider using PW’s courses, if you want your time to reach a little further.”
Lasse Haugaard
Novo Nordisk
The purpose of thise course is to implement a better workflow and remove the cronic state of being frustrated and feeling guilty about all your unfinished business. This is done by introducing knew routines and habits that create clarity, free mental space and a better perspective on all your loose ends.
This course will introduce you to workflow performance and how you can help yourself by rethinking the way you work. This will get you back in control of your work assignments and your backlog. The methodology is based on three pillars - how you think i.e. your mental models; What you do i.e. your routines; and your tools e.g. your e-mail, calendar and tasklist. The starting point will be to teach you how to handle your e-mails and tasks.
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction - Email Management (1:08)
StartWorking the Inbox - Creating a Folder (1:06)
StartWorking the Inbox - Getting to Zero (1:48)
StartWorking the Inbox - Archiving Emails (1:31)
StartChecking Emails - Removing Notifications (1:05)
StartChecking Emails - Start up in Calendar (1:09)
StartChecking Emails - Handling Emails (2:06)
Start2 Minute Rule - Introduction (1:02)
Start2 Minute Rule - How It's Done (0:54)
StartFolder Structure - Clean Up Folders (1:11)
StartFolder Structure - Search Function (1:13)
StartShortcuts - Introduction (1:06)
StartShortcuts - How It's Done (1:05)
StartCreate Task List - Getting Started (1:08)
StartCreate Task List - Add 10 Tasks (1:08)
StartCreate Task List - Modify Settings (1:35)
StartCreate Task List - Categories (2:20)
StartMind Dump - Introduction (1:10)
StartMind Dump - How It's Done (1:03)
StartUsing Task List - Arranging Tasks (1:38)
StartUsing Task List - Other Categories (1:49)
StartUsing Task List - Company Field (1:19)
StartBreakdown - Basics (1:21)
StartBreakdown - How It's Done (1:34)
StartBreakdown - Reading Panel (0:45)
StartShortcuts - Introduction (1:12)
StartShortcuts - How It's Done (1:08)
Your Instructor
Mark Mayland is the founding partner of the leading Scandinavian based consulting and training firm Personal Workflow (PW).
PW has specialized in improving organizational workflow performance and has trained many individuals and teams in top performaning european and global companies.
Mark Mayland holds a M.Sc. degree in Innovation and Business Development from Copenhagen Business School.